All applications shall be submitted to the Secretary to be filed and a copy must be turned over to the membership chairperson.
Membership shall be composed of persons who have reached the age of fourteen (14) years. Members under eighteen (18) years of age shall give in writing to the Secretary of the corporation permission from their parent or guardian, provide a work permit to take active part in the duties of the corporation, and maintain a "C" average as stated in the rules and regulations of the company.
All applications for membership, when accepted by the Corporation, shall be considered probationary members subject to the following provisions:
The applicant is placed on a probationary period of six (6) months. The applicant must be present at the business meeting to be voted on for full membership. To receive approval, the applicant must receive two-thirds majority votes of those present at that meeting. A probationary member shall not have the right to vote in company affairs or elections.
EMS Division Running Members:
Any active member who has met the minimum performance standards for riding on the EMS Division. Members must complete an Emergency Medical Technician class within two (2) years for the EMS division. Unless waived by the Board of Directors.
Fire Division Running Members:
Any active member who has met the minimum performance standards for riding on the Fire Division. Members must complete Fire Fighter I within two (2) years for Fire Division. Unless waived by the Board of Directors.
A member shall take active part in fundraising, classes, and any other activity that the corporation sponsors.
A life member of the corporation shall have served in the corporation for fifteen years. He/she shall no longer pay dues and will receive a life membership card.
All members are required to receive credit for one (1) drill per month. Valid excuses are work, school, or illness. The appropriate Line Officer must excuse any other excuse. Any member absent from three (3) consecutive drills without an excuse acceptable by the Chief of their division shall be declared inactive.
Associate members will be expected to attend monthly meetings of the, corporation. Associate members shall have the same privileges as an active member, with the exceptions of voting in an election for line officers, and riding apparatus on emergency calls. This person will not be expected to take EMS or Fire training.
Cadet Members shall be between the ages of fourteen (14) and sixteen (16) years of age. All regulations governing them will be set by the Cadet Committees of the EMS and Fire divisions.
Junior Members will be between the ages of sixteen (16) and eighteen (18) years of age. All regulations governing them will be under the Junior Member Regulation in the Rules and Regulations of the EMS and Fire divisions.
Company meetings are usually held on the first Tuesday of each month. Please print out an application, fill it out completly and bring by the station prior to the company meeting.